What are Voice Alert Security Systems ?
The Voice Alert Alarm Systems are wireless Early Warning Alarm (Security) Systems that are able to detect intrusions & activities to your indoor/outdoor perimeter ... and then provide you with a detailed voiced message or sms.
Wireless (infrared) outdoor or indoor security beams (sensors) are positioned around your property in up to six (6) zones (areas). But unlimited sensors can be linked to each Zone.
Perfect for homes, businesses & farms!
As soon as the outdoor security beams (sensors) detect intrusions to any of the six (6) zones (areas), a voice-recorded message (or sms) will identify WHERE on your property the threat is coming from.
Also - have a look at our Vibration Switch. This handy switch can be attached to anything that is not suppose to move. If it moves you will immediately be informed!
VoiceAlert Pretoria is based in Queenswood, Pretoria, but as the Voice Alert Security Alarm Systems are easy to install (DIY Security System), you can buy a system and set up the perimeter intrusion detection units yourself.
Read more: How does it work? | FAQ | Sensors (Beams) & Detectors | Receivers & Hubs | Peripherals | Applications
Die VoiceAlert Sekuriteits Sisteme is draadlose alarm stelsels, wat U vroegtydig waarsku indien dit enige toetredings & aktiwiteite binne U omgewing (binne / buite) optel... U ontvang dan of 'n gedetaileerde opgeneemde boodskap of 'n sms.
U kan 'n maksimum van 6 areas in U omgewing identifiseer, en dan draadlose (infrarooi) sekuriteits sensors (strale) in die 6 areas (binne of buite) positioneer. Maar die getal sensors is nie beperk nie, U kan soveel opsit soos U wil.
Sodra enige van die sensors (infrarooi strale) beweging in een van die 6 areas optel, sal 'n opgeneemde stem boodskap (of sms) identifiseer WAAR op U eiendom die bedreiging is.
Kyk ook na ons Vibrasie Skakelaar ("Vibration Switch") - hierdie handige skakelaar kan aan enige item (wat nie veronderstel is om te beweeg nie) gekoppel word. Indien die item dan beweeg, sal U onmiddelik in kennis gestel word.
VoiceAlert Pretoria is in Queenswood, Pretoria gebaseer; maar aangesien die VoiceAlert Alarm Stelsel maklik is om te installeer, kan U die sisteem koop en dan self op U eiendom opstel.
Lees meer: Hoe werk die alarm sisteem? | Vrae & Antwoorde | Sensors & Optellers | Ontvangers & Hubs | Randapparatuur | Toepassings