Perfect Solution to environments that are far from power outlets & near LOADSHEDDING!
(Perfekte Oplossing vir areas wat ver van krag af is en onder Beurtkrag deurloop!)
What is AlwaysAlert?
Voicealert's AlwaysAlert product range consists of solar UPS backup batteries & long-life battery options which can be used to power the various WirelessAlert products and components;
to provide unlimited power on farm and estate boundaries;
building sites and other off-the-beaten-track environments.
AlwaysAlert Solar Panel
- Provides power where you have no access to the main-supply
- Easy to install (DIY) – all you have to do is direct the solar panel towards the sun; plug its power cord into the UPS and the UPS into the TextAlert or VoiceAlert Unit
- The 10 watt solar panels are made of poly-board (not glass) and are therefore robust and almost indestructible
- UPS-Mega Backup power stores up to 5 days of (solar generated) power
- UPS-Standard (Uninterpretable Power Supply)
UPS-Standard Unit
Our standard UPS will get you through 8 to 10 hours of power outage.
UPS-Mega will provide you with 5-days of backup.
This is required if you use Solar power. A security solution can never afford to be without power. The combo of a 10 watt solar and 5-day battery means that even in the darkest weeks of winter, a single day of scattered sunlight will get your battery fully topped up!
UPS-Plus comes with a garage-style remote control(s). When pushed, the remote cuts power to the VoiceAlert security alarm system for a 60-second period, allowing one free access without the aggravation of waking anyone in the house.
Ideal for guesthouses or houses where people are coming in and out at odd hours...
VoiceAlert's AlwaysAlert Long-Life Batteries
No Sensor or TX Unit should be without an LLB powering it!
To make low-battery warnings a rarity, we can supply you with branded AlwaysAlert LLB’s that should give you 4-6 times the battery life of normal batteries (high traffic areas will use more battery power)!
Wat is AlwaysAlert?
Voicealert se AlwaysAlert produkte reeks bestaan ook uit Rugsteun Sonkrag UPS (Ononderbroke Kragtoevoer) Batterye & Lang Lewe Batterye wat gebruik kan word om krag te verskaf...
... aan 'n verskeidenheid VoiceAlert produkte & komponente;
... op plase & U eiendom se grense;
... aan boupersele & enige ander omgewing.
AlwaysAlert Sonpanele
- Verskaf krag aan areas waar daar geen toegang tot die hoof kragbron is nie
- Maklik om te installeer (DIY) - al wat jy hoef te doen: is om die sonpaneel in direkte sonlig te plaas, die krag koord in die UPS in te prop & die UPS in die TextAlert of VoiceAlert eenheid in te prop.
- Die 10 Watt Sonpanele word uit "poly-board" gemaak (nie glas nie) en is dus sterk en byna onvernietigbaar
- UPS-Mega Rugsteun eenheid kan tot 5 dae se sonkrag stoor
- UPS-Standaard Rugsteun eenheid verskaf 8-10 ure se sonkrag
UPS-Standaard Eenheid
UPS-Standaard Rugsteun verskaf 8-10 ure se ononderbroke sonkrag
UPS-Mega Eenheid
UPS-Mega Rugsteun eenheid kan tot 5 dae se sonkrag stoor.
As U sonkrag gebruik, benodig U hierdie eenheid. Sekuriteits eenhede kan nie sonder krag wees nie.
Die kombinasie van 10W sonpanele & 'n 5-dag battery eenheid verseker dat U met die geringste hoeveelheid sonlig U battery ten volle kan laai.
UPS-Plus Eenheid
Die UPS-Plus Rugsteun eenheid sluit 'n tipe motorhuis afstandsbeheerder in.
Wanneer die afstandsbeheerder se knoppie gedruk word, word krag toevoer na die VoiceAlert se sekuriteits eenheid vir 60-sekonde periodes onderbreuk. Daar word dus toegang tot die perseel gekry, sonder dat iemand in die huis wakker word van die alarm wat afgaan.
Ideaal vir gastehuise of huise waar mense op vreemde tye in en uit gaan.
AlwaysAlert Lang Lewe Batterye
Geen eenheid moet sonder lang lewe batterye wees nie!
Om Lae-Battery Waarskuwings 'n rariteit te maak, kan ons U voorsien van AlwaysAlert Batterye (LLB) wat U 4-6 keer se krag verskaf van die van 'n normale battery se lewe!